Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Flow Arts? What are Aerial Arts?

Flow arts can refer to a variety of movement training. A state of flow is best described as movement meditation. Building your own flow is finding an inspired pattern of movement that is unique to you. Aerial arts are one of the many types of flow arts and a specialty at Ascend. It is a fusion between acrobatics and dance that is performed suspended in the air on a variety of apparatus. Aerial is becoming increasingly popular in the US and many benefits have been seen by offering aerial training to the general population.

Is it dangerous?

There are always risks involved with any physical activity but aerial dance is really no more dangerous than any other sport or movement training. Ascend and its instructors work hard to manage any risk and keep students as safe as possible. We have a structured curriculum that allows students to progress at a safe pace and focuses on proper technique and injury prevention. Proper crash mats are used and equipment is inspected frequently. Beginners work very close to the ground and our studio is floored with padded gymnastics carpeting. Your safety is always our first priority.

What kind of fitness background do I need as an adult?

While we do get a lot of students with dance or gymnastics backgrounds we get just as many with no physical fitness background at all. No fitness background is needed to start adult classes, if you are able to hang from a pull up bar you are able to start a beginner course.

What if I am afraid of heights?

Do not worry! It is surprising how many professional aerialists are afraid of heights. We have very small class sizes and our instructors are sensitive to working with students who have issues with heights. Beginners work right off of the mat and moves are spotted by instructors.

Are there age restrictions?

We can currently accept students as young as ages 6-9 in our kids Acro and Aerial program. We also have classes for youth and teen ages 10-17. Our adult classes are 18 and up however we do allow ages 16-18 into our adult classes with parental permission. We do not believe you can be too old to learn. If you have specific health issues that you are concerned about please feel free to discuss those with us.

How much does it cost?

Monthly tuition for an aerial class that meets once a week is $140. Additional aerial classes are $120. Student Open Practice is $80. Ground classes are $80. Students can customize their training program by choosing their areas of interest. We have a yearly curriculum based program structure that is broken into monthly payments. Students are under no obligation to stay for the year and can make any adjustments or cancellations for the following month as long as it is requested by the 15th of the current month. We do not charge any additional registration fees for new students.

Private lessons are $80/hr for a single person and $110/hr for two people.

Do you have cheaper class options?

No. We run a very solid program that has a quality over quantity model. Our curriculum is catered to the specific students within a class. You are getting a coach that has experience within the circus industry and invests in continuing education. Students can make huge progress with less time commitment. We focus on teaching our students the right way from the start to avoid injury later. Your body will thank you later for investing in it now. Our students are like family and we want to focus on creating the best environment and training for them. In order to drop prices we would have to sacrifice our quality.

What should I wear?

Fitted workout clothing that allows for free movement such as yoga pants or leggings are always best. You will want fabric covering the backs of your knees and your waist to avoid fabric burns. Layered shirts that can be tucked in or leotards are recommended. Please avoid any zippers, buttons, snaps, jewelry or anything that could damage equipment.

What are aerial classes like?

Aerial classes are 60 minutes long. Class includes warm up, conditioning, Aerial skills, and cool down. Class sizes are very small and are limited to 8 students so each student will receive a lot of individual attention. Most importantly we offer a very supportive community and welcome everyone who has a desire to learn.

Can I sign up for student practice without signing up for a course?

No! Sorry. Student Practice is designed specifically for our students to practice the moves they learned from us in a safe and supervised environment. It is not appropriate for learning new tricks or practicing outside curriculum. You MUST be currently enrolled in order to participate in open practice. Current students should review the Open Practice Policies and be sure to follow these guidelines in every practice.

Is there a way to try out a class before committing to enrollment?

Yes. We offer a few Introduction workshops a year. We also have a single class trial option for new students . This option is only available to beginners. For safety reasons you must commit to a consistent schedule of attending at least one class a week to go any further in our curriculum. However, while our programs are year based, Tuition is billed monthly so if you decide to leave class you may put in a withdraw for the following month. There is no obligation to stay through the year.

I am an absolute beginner, where should I start?

Adult beginners with no prior aerial experience should sign up for Sling Hoop 1 or Fabric/Trapeze 1. Students can choose whichever apparatus pairing appeals to them most. Skills learned in one apparatus will translate to another if you decide to change over later. If you are interested in a single class to try before committing to enrollment email us at to test out one of the above classes OR you can register for an Introduction to Aerials Workshop to try out all of the apparatus within a one time workshop. 

All beginner aerial students ages 6-9 should register for Kids Acro and Aerial. Beginners ages 10-16 should register for Youth/Teen Mixed Aerials or Youth/Teen Acro. Students will be placed from there when they are ready to advance. Classes are mixed level and instructors will work to each individuals ability level and pace. For more details on the above classes please see Class Descriptions.

What if I miss a class?

Students can do one make up per month for each class they are enrolled in. Make ups must be completed within the same month as the missed class but do not need to be within the same week as the missed class. Make ups are available in any other class of your level or below. As long as the level number and age group are the same as your primary class, it can be a different apparatus. E-mail for help finding a make up class.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up on the class schedule page through a secure payment processor. You can access your account through the -My Account- tab. If you are still unsure of what to sign up for please don’t hesitate to contact us!

10 Meco Circle
Wilmington, DE 19804